In yet another heartbreaking incident, another life was lost on the notorious road connecting Omaxe Township in New Chandigarh, which is increasingly being labeled as a “death road” by residents. The road, which was meant to be a gateway to a promising new township, has instead become a danger zone due to ongoing negligence and lack of safety measures.
The Accident
The recent accident occurred on a stretch of the road which is poorly maintained forcing commuters to use only one side of the road. A speeding vehicle lost control and collided with another car and a two wheeler. The impact was so severe that it resulted in the tragic death of a young individual while injuring 4 others, marking yet another life lost to this perilous roadway. Bystanders rushed to help, but the lack of immediate medical facilities in the vicinity compounded the situation, highlighting the dire need for better emergency response systems.
Growing Concerns of Residents
Residents of Omaxe Township and nearby areas have voiced their concerns repeatedly since many years, but their pleas seem to have fallen on deaf ears. The road, which is the main artery for daily commuters, lacks basic safety features such as proper lighting, pedestrian crossings, and speed limit signs. Potholes and uneven patches further add to the risk, making driving a perilous task.
Negligence of Authorities and Agencies
This latest incident underscores the continued negligence of the responsible agencies like Omaxe and GMADA who are responsible for the upkeep of this road. Despite numerous accidents and mounting pressure from the community, there has been little to no effort to improve the road’s condition. Many stretches remain unrepaired, with roadwork dragging on for years without any visible progress. The absence of regular maintenance and the disregard for implementing necessary safety measures have transformed this road into a death trap.
Calls for Immediate Action
Local residents, community leaders, and social activists are demanding urgent intervention to address the safety hazards on this road. They are calling for immediate repairs, proper lighting, installation of speed breakers, and strict enforcement of traffic rules. Additionally, there is a strong demand for accountability from the agencies responsible for road maintenance and safety.
The road connecting Omaxe Township in New Chandigarh, once seen as a path to growth and development, has now become synonymous with tragedy. The recent accident is a stark reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive safety measures and responsible governance. Until these changes are made, the road will continue to pose a grave risk to the lives of those who travel it daily. It is high time that the authorities act decisively to prevent further loss of life and restore a sense of safety for the community.